


Itecons offers a wide range of accredited and non-accredited tests to perform in laboratory conditions or in situ, for the characterisation of materials used in construction works, in the development of new solutions for construction or for CE marking.

Testing areas (15)
Products (101)

Reference Designation/Description Accredited
Comments (Administrator)
OMH.06 Determination of porosity of building materials ISO 15901-1:2005, ISO 15901-1:2005/Cor1:2007 Materiais de construção
OMH.08 Determination of freeze-thaw resistance of clay pavers NP EN 1344 Blocos cerâmicos para pavimento
OMH.09 Detemrination of frost resistance of clay roofing tiles for discontinuous laying NP EN 539-2:2007 (Método C) Telhas cerâmicas
OMH.12 Determination of the resistance of glued joints of cork decorative panels ISO/DIS 8724 Painéis de cortiça decorativa
OMH.13 Determination of hygroscopic sorption properties of building materials and products ISO 12571:2021 Materiais e produtos de construção
OMH.14 Determination of water vapour transmission properties of building materials and products ISO 12572:2016 Materiais e proddutos de construção
PNT.00 Natural stone and agglomerated stone characterization - Other tests (standards EN, ASTM, LNEC…) - Natural stone, Dimension stone
PNT.01 Determination of resistance to ageing by thermal shock EN 14066:2013 Natural stone, Dimension stone
PNT.02 Determination of frost resistance EN 12371:2010 Natural stone, Dimension stone
PNT.03 Determination of the abrasion resistance EN 14157:2017 (Method A) Natural stone, Dimension stone
PNT.04 Determination of apparent density and open porosity EN 1936:2006 Natural stone, Dimension stone
PNT.05 Determination of water absorption at atmospheric pressure EN 13755:2008 Natural stone, Dimension stone
PNT.07 Determination of flexural strength under constant moment EN 13161:2008 Natural stone, Dimension stone
PNT.08 Determination of uniaxial compressive strength EN 1926:2006 Natural stone, Dimension stone
PNT.09 Determination of flexural strenght under concentrated load EN 12372:2022 Natural stone, Dimension stone