

Acoustics and Vibrations

The acoustic behaviour of spaces, building elements and equipment are subject to national regulations under the building acoustics requirements code (RRAE) and the general noise regulations (RGR).

Testing areas (15)
Products (101)

Reference Designation/Description Accredited
Comments (Administrator)
ACL.07 Determination of airflow resistance ISO 9053-1:2018 Porous materials used in acoustical applications Method A - Static airflow method
ACL.08 Laboratory measurement of airborne sound insulation, Dn,e,w ISO 10140-1:2021; ISO 10140-2:2021; ISO 10140-4:2021; ISO 717-1:2020 Building elements of small dimensions
ACL.09 Laboratory measurement of flanking transmission for airborne sound between adjoining rooms, Dn,f,w ISO 10848-1:2017; ISO 10848-2:2017; ISO 717-1:2020
ACL.10 Laboratory measurement of flanking transmission for impact sound between adjoining rooms, Ln,f,w ISO 10848-1:2017; ISO 10848-2:2017; ISO 717-2:2020
ACL.11 Determination of sound absorption in an impedance tube - Transfer-function method. ISO 10534-2:2023 Construction products Range: 100 Hz to 6300 Hz
ACL.12 Estimate of airborne sound insulation index of windows, Rw EN 14351-1:2006+A2:2016 (Annex B) Windows Calculation
ACL.13 Determination of sound transmission loss in an impedance tube Internal procedure
ACL.14 Laboratory measurement of noise emitted by inlet valves used in water supply installations ISO 3822-1:1999, ISO 3822-1:1999/Amd1:2008 Inlet valves used in water supply installations
ACL.15 Laboratory test: Acoustic intensimetry Internal procedure Construction elements; machinery and equipment
ACL.16 Laboratory test: Determination of sound power level of noise sources using sound pressure - precision method for hemi-anechoic rooms ISO 3745:2012; ISO 3745:2012/Amd1::2017 Noise Sources
ACL.17 Laboratory test: Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering methods for an essentially free field over a reflecting plane (hemi-anechoic chamber) ISO 3744:2010 Noise of machinery and equipment
ACL.17.02 Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering Method ISO 3744:2010; Annex III of Portuguese Decree-Law 221/2006 Noise of machinery and equipment
ACL.18 Laboratory measurement of airborne sound transmission loss, TL (only applicable to building facade specimens including walls, doors, windows, and combinations thereof) Test procedure adapted from standards ASTM E90-23; ASTM E2235-04, ASTM E413-22 and ASTM E1332-22 Construction products
ACL.19 Laboratory test: Determination of sound power level of noise using sound pressure - Survey method using an eveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane (in a hemi-anechoic chamber) ISO 3746:2010 Noise of machinery and equipment
ACL.19.02 Determination of the sound power level of noise using sound pressure - Survey method using an eveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane ISO 3746:2010 Noise of machinery and equipment