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Silveira, D.; Gonçalves, A.; Flores-Colen, I.; Veiga, R.; Torres, I.; Travincas, R. 2020 "Evaluation of in-service performance factors of renders based on in-situ testing techniques". Journal of Building Engineering, 34, pp. 101806. VER MAIS
Simões, N.; Almeida, R.; Tadeu, A.; Brett, M.; Almeida, J. 2020 "Comparison between cork-based and conventional green roof solutions". Building and Environment, 175, pp. 106812. VER MAIS
Škerget, L.; Tadeu, A.; António, J.M.P. 2020 "Numerical simulation of heat transport in multilayered composite pipe". Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements , 120, pp. 28-37. VER MAIS
Torres, I. 2020 "Argamassas laboratoriais versus argamassas aplicadas". Revista Materiais de Construção, 191, pp. 66-67. VER MAIS
Torres, I.; Flores-Colen, I.; Silveira, D.; Travincas, R.; Matias, G. 2020 "Interface argamassa-suporte: análise das características físicas com base em várias campanhas experimentais". Ambiente Construído, Porto Alegre, 20 (3), pp. 331-342. VER MAIS
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Zacchei, E.; Lyra, P. H.C.; Stucchi, F. R. 2020 "Pushover analysis for flexible and semi‐flexible pile‐supported wharf structures accounting the dynamic magnification factors due to torsional effects". Structural Concrete, 2020, pp. 1–20. VER MAIS
Zacchei, E.; Molina, J. L. 2020 "Reviewing Arch-Dams’ Building Risk Reduction Through a Sustainability – Safety Management Approach". Sustainability, 12 (1), pp. 392. VER MAIS
Zacchei, E.; Molina, J.L. 2020 "Optimization of Geometric Parameters for Double-Arch Dams through Bayesian Implementation". Journal of Structural Engineering, 146, pp. 04020264. VER MAIS
Almeida, J.; Azevedo, A.; Brett, M.; Tadeu, A.; Silva-Afonso, A.; Costa, A.; Rufo, E.; Além, S. 2019 "Urine recovery at the building level". Building and Environment, 156, pp. 110-116. VER MAIS
Almeida, R.; Simões, N.; Tadeu, A.; Palha, P.; Almeida, J. 2019 "Thermal behaviour of a green roof containing insulation cork board. An experimental characterization using a bioclimatic chamber". Building and Environment, 160, pp. 106179. VER MAIS
Cortês, A.; Almeida, J.; de Brito, J.; Tadeu, A. 2019 "Water retention and drainage capability of expanded cork agglomerate boards intended for application in green vertical systems". Construction and Building Materials, 224, pp. 439-446. VER MAIS
Cruz-Muñoz, F. J.; Romero, A.; Galvín, P.; Tadeu, A. 2019 "Acoustic waves scattered by elastic waveguides using a spectral approach with a 2.5D coupled boundary-finite element method". Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 106, pp. 47-58. VER MAIS
Marques, B.; Tadeu, A.; Almeida, J.; António, J. 2019 "Experimental characterisation of cement-based composites with rice husk". International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, 14 (2), pp. 147-153. VER MAIS
Romero, A.; Galvín, P.; Cámara-Molina, J. C.; Tadeu, A. 2019 "On the formulation of a BEM in the Bézier–Bernstein space for the solution of Helmholtz equation". Applied Mathematical Modelling, 74, pp. 301-319. VER MAIS
Simões I.; Simões N.; Santos I.; Brett M.; Tadeu S.; Silva H. 2019 "The energy and sustainable performance of a multifunctional façade". WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 237, pp. 51-61. VER MAIS
Simões, N. 2019 "De EPBD em EPBD! ". Construção Magazine, 90, pp. .
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Simões, N. 2019 "A energia e o clima em constante transição". Construção Magazine, 94, pp. .