

Castro, I.; Tadeu, A. 2012 "Coupling of the BEM with the MFS for the numerical simulation of frequency domain 2-D elastic wave propagation in the presence of elastic inclusions and cracks". Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 36 (2), pp. 169-180. VER MAIS
Costa E.G.A.; Godinho, L.; Pereira, A.; Santiago, J.A.F. 2012 "Prediction of acoustic wave propagation in a shallow water configuration using the Method of Fundamental Solutions". Journal of Computational Acoustics, 20 (4), pp. 1-34. VER MAIS
Godinho, L.; Amado Mendes, P.; Ramis, J.; Cardenas, W.; Carbajo, J. 2012 "A numerical MFS model for computational analysis of acoustic horns". Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 98 (6), pp. 916-927. VER MAIS
Godinho, L.; Costa E.G.A.; Pereira, A.; Santiago, J.A.F. 2012 "Some observations on the behaviour of the method of fundamental solutions in 3D acoustic problems". International Journal of Computational Methods, 9 (4), pp. 25. VER MAIS
Godinho, L.; Soares Jr., D. 2012 "Frequency domain analysis of fluid-solid interaction problems by means of iteratively coupled meshless approaches". Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 87 (4), pp. 327-354. VER MAIS
Godinho, L.; Tadeu, A. 2012 " Acoustic analysis of heterogeneous domains coupling the BEM with Kansa’s method". Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 36 (6), pp. 1014-1026. VER MAIS
Ramis, J.; Segovia, E.; Alba, J.; Carbajo, J.; Godinho, L. 2012 " Numerical evaluation of the vibration reduction index for structural joints". Archives of Acoustics, 37 (2), pp. 189-197. VER MAIS
Simões, I.; Simões, N.; Tadeu, A. 2012 "Thermal delay simulation in multilayer systems using analytical solutions". Energy and Buildings, 49, pp. 631-639. VER MAIS
Simões, I.; Simões, N.; Tadeu, A.; Reis, M.M.; Vasconcellos, C.A.B.; Mandur, W.J. 2012 "Experimental validation of a frequency domain BEM model to study 2D and 3D heat transfer by conduction". Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 36 (11), pp. 1686–1698. VER MAIS
Simões, N. 2012 "Itecons, um instituto preocupado com a "pele" dos edifícios". Renováveis Magazine, Mundo Académico, n.º 10, pp. 56-57. VER MAIS
Simões, N.; Serra, C. 2012 "Ground contact heat losses: Simplified calculation method for residential buildings". Energy, 48 (1), pp. 66-73. VER MAIS
Simões, N.; Simões, I.; Tadeu, A.; Vasconcellos, C.A.B.; Mandur, W.J. 2012 "3D Transient heat conduction in multilayer systems - Experimental validation of semi-analytical solution". International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 57, pp. 192-203. VER MAIS
Simões, N.; Tadeu, A.; António, J.; Mansur, W. 2012 "Transient heat conduction under nonzero initial conditions: a solution using the boundary element method in the frequency domain". Engineering Analysis with Boundary Element, 36 (4), pp. 562–567. VER MAIS
Soares Jr., D.; Godinho, L. 2012 "An optimized BEM-FEM iterative coupling algorithm for solid-fluid interaction analyses in the frequency domain". Computers & Structures, 106-107, pp. 68-80. VER MAIS
Soares Jr., D.; Godinho, L.; Pereira, A.; Dors, C. 2012 "Frequency-domain analysis of acoustic wave propagation in heterogeneous media considering iterative coupling procedures between the Method of Fundamental Solutions and the Kansa’s Method". International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 89 (7), pp. 914-938. VER MAIS
Tadeu, A.; António, J. 2012 "3D Acoustic wave simulation using BEM formulations: closed form integration of singular and hypersingular integrals". Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements, 36 (9), pp. 1389–1396. VER MAIS
Tadeu, A.; António, J.; Godinho, L.; Amado Mendes, P. 2012 "Simulation of sound absorption in 2D thin elements using a coupled BEM/TBEM formulation in the presence of fixed and moving 3D sources". Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331 (10), pp. 2386-2403. VER MAIS
Tadeu, A.; Prata, J.; Simões, N. 2012 "Closed form integration of singular and hypersingular integrals in 3D BEM formulations for heat conduction". Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012 , article ID 647038, pp. 21. VER MAIS
Tadeu, A.; Simões, I.; António, J.; Sousa, L. 2012 "Simulation of the 3D sound pressure level inside closed absorbing acoustic rooms bounded by non-parallel floor and ceiling surfaces". Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 98 (6), pp. 894-906. VER MAIS
Vasconcellos, C.A.B.; Reis, M.M.; Mansur, W.J.; Tadeu, A.; Simões, N.; Simões, I. 2012 "Experimental validation of numerical solutions using Explicit Green’s Approach to simulate transient heat conduction in multilayer systems". Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications , 61 (6), pp. 651-668. VER MAIS