


Multifunctional, customisable and sustainable cladding solutions containing wastes from the paper pulp industry

  • Project code
  • Approval date
  • Start date
  • Conclusion date
  • Promotor
    Primefix – Colas e Argamassas Técnicas
  • Copromotors
  • Intervention region
  • Total eligible amount
    852.716,80 €
  • Financial support from the European Union
    FEDER - 667.278,41 €

The construction industry plays a decisive role in sustainable development, both due to its contribution to Europe’s social and economic growth and the significant environmental impacts inherent to it. In this context, the incorporation of wastes and by-products into construction materials has been identified as a key strategy to achieve a more circular economy and enhance the sector’s sustainability. Furthermore, it is widely recognized that the materials and products used in construction can be significantly improved to reduce environmental impacts throughout their life cycle, particularly in terms of resource depletion, energy consumption, and the release of hazardous substances into the environment. Thus, it is understood that the construction sector will benefit from efforts to valorise wastes and by-products, as well as from optimising solutions that lead to increased durability and efficiency.

Main objective
The main objective of the PRIME-MPS project is to develop innovative solutions for multifunctional, customisable, and sustainable coatings, specifically mortars and modular cladding panels incorporating wastes from pulp production. The project also aims to develop fastening and anchoring systems that facilitate the application and integration of the new cladding products with various construction solutions, as well as to study digitally assisted industrial processes that enable the efficient execution of complex surface customization operations.

To achieve this, research and development studies will be conducted, focusing on the formulation and optimisation of new mortars and cladding panels suitable for industrial manufacturing. Additionally, validation studies will be carried out to ensure that all necessary characteristics are met for obtaining CE marking, continuously comparing the development options with the feasibility of industrial manufacturing and the performance characteristics required by product standards or other technical specifications.

Project activities and expected results
The PRIME-MPS project has a total duration of 30 months and work is expected to take place according to the following structure:

Activity 1 – Preliminary studies
Initially, this activity aims to consolidate the state of art regarding coating products based on cementitious and geopolymer composites incorporating waste from paper pulp production. It seeks to analyse the legal framework related to the valorisation of this type of wastes in the production of materials, products, or construction solutions; define the functional, technical, and sustainability requirements of the new coating products; physically and chemically characterise the respective wastes; and study the compatibility of the wastes with binders and aggregates.

Activity 2 – Design, development, and characterization of the new mortars and coating panels
The aim of this activity is to formulate and optimise the compositions of the new mortars and cladding panels; carry out the physical, chemical, mechanical, hygrothermal, and acoustic characterisation of the new solutions; study the durability and fire resistance of the new products; analyse the compatibility of the new mortars with different substrates; and design and optimise fastening and integration systems for modular coating panels with various construction solutions.

Activity 3 – Industrial Approach
This activity aims to analyse the industrial conditions and optimise the production line for the new coating products; select the best compositions and implement industrial operations to customise the coatings; and manufacture the new coating products in an industrial environment.

Activity 4 – Validation of the performance of the new coating products
This activity involves studying the application conditions of the new coating products; evaluating the application and performance of the products under both laboratory and real-world conditions; and assessing the environmental performance of the new coating products.

Activity 5 – Promotion and dissemination of results
This activity aims to define guidelines and application rules for the newly developed coating products; systematise the results of the PRIME-MPS project; and prepare technical and scientific content, promotional materials, and samples for dissemination to the public and market, as well as for participation in technology fairs and technical-scientific events.