




The climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity pose existential threats to Europe and the rest of the world. In order to address this problem, it is necessary to develop sustainable alternative solutions that provide an effective response to climate change, while helping to halt the decline of ecosystems.

In the BGREENER project, hemp use will be explored from the perspective of it being a multifunctional green infrastructure with the capacity to boost the green economy. The use of hemp stalks as a source for biomaterials will be explored, and the environmental benefits associated with hemp cultivation will be assessed (carbon sequestration, use as a rotational crop, soil regeneration, increased biodiversity, etc.).


The main goal of the project is to generate new biodiversity enclaves by promoting the cultivation of hemp as a multifunctional green infrastructure that can help protect cross-border areas of high ecological value. This will promote the green economy and generate high-value chains that can boost rural areas in the EUROACE cooperation area (Centre of Portugal-Extremadura-Alentejo).


The BGREENER project has a duration of 36 months and will be developed according to the following structure:

ACTIVITY 1 - Evaluation of hemp cultivation as a green infrastructure in the EUROACE region – “New Biodiversity Spaces”

This activity aims to create a space that improves resilience to adverse factors such as climate change or the degradation of agricultural land through the use of hemp cultivation. The implementation of this crop is intended to improve the conservation of biodiversity in the area and benefit the ecosystem. The implementation of this infrastructure will make it possible to assess which varieties are most suitable for this purpose.

The following actions will be carried out as part of this activity:

1.1 - State of the art regarding European strategies and the environmental impact of hemp cultivation.
1.2 - Potential uses of hemp cultivation as green infrastructure.
1.3 - Analytical control of the crop. Active ingredients and contaminants.


ACTIVITY 2 – Utilisation of hemp stalks as an innovative, sustainable and circular economic model

The aim of this activity is to contribute to the recovery of the European economy by promoting innovative approaches and the creation of new green companies, through the assessment of the potential of hemp stalks for use as new biomaterials for construction and for use as biomass (for energy purposes). This activity aims to develop, characterise and optimise new materials for construction, as well as the use of by-products for biofuels.

The actions to be carried out in this activity are as follows:

2.1 – Conditioning of stalks, characterisation and classification of products derived from stalks according to their quality.
2.2 - Sustainable use of fibre and hemp for use as new ecological bio-construction materials.


ACTIVITY 4 - Study of the environmental benefits of hemp cultivation and its contribution to the European Green Deal

The aim of this activity is to assess the environmental performance associated with hemp cultivation and its by-products.

In this activity, strategies related to hemp cultivation will be developed with the responsible use of natural resources and the conservation, maintenance and protection of the natural environment and living beings in mind. In addition, the environmental impacts associated with the different products studied will be quantified and analysed.

The actions carried out in this activity are as follows:

4.1 - Potential use of hemp as a carbon sink and soil phytoremediator.
4.2 - Determination of environmental aspects and quantification of potential impacts using life cycle assessment techniques.
4.3 - Traceability system as a tool for sustainable crop management.

ACTIVITY 5 - Coordination

Project management activity.

ACTIVITY 6 - Visibility, transparency and communication

Activity dedicated to communicating the results.