

Tadeu, A.; Škerget, L.; Simões, N.; Fino, R. 2018 "Simulation of heat and moisture flow through walls covered with uncoated medium density expanded cork". Building and Environment, 142, pp. 195–210. VER MAIS
Tadeu, S.; Tadeu, A.; Simões, N.; Gonçalves, M.; Prado, R. 2018 "A sensitivity analysis of a cost optimality study on the energy retrofit of a single-family reference building in Portugal". Energy Efficiency, 11 (6), pp. 1411–1432. VER MAIS
Torres, I. 2018 "New technique for treating rising damp in historical buildings: wall base ventilation". Journal of Cultural Heritage, 31 (Supplement), pp. S60-S70. VER MAIS
Torres, I.; Veiga, R.; Freitas, V.P. 2018 "Influence of Substrate Characteristics on Behavior of Applied Mortar". Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 30 (10), pp. . VER MAIS
António, J.; Tadeu, A. 2017 "Modelling 3D thin sound-absorbing barriers using a dual formulation based on the boundary element method". Noise Control Engineering Journal, 65 (3), pp. 212-223. VER MAIS
Cruz-Muñoz, F.J.; Romero, A.; Tadeu, A.; Galvín, P. 2017 "A 2.5D spectral approach to represent acoustic and elastic waveguides interaction on thin slab structures". Procedia Engineering, 199, pp. 1374-1379. VER MAIS
Fino, R.; Simões, N.; Manuel, C. 2017 "Secagem do MDFachada: avaliação numérica e experimental". Construção Magazine, n.º 78, pp. .
Fino, R.; Simões,N.; Tadeu, A. 2017 "Numerical and experimental evaluation of the drying behaviour of medium density expanded cork boards used as an external coating". International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 12 (2), pp. 315–325. VER MAIS
Marques, B.; Tadeu, A.; de Brito, J.; Almeida, J. 2017 "A perspective on the development of sustainable construction products: An Eco-design approach". International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 12 (2), pp. 304-314. VER MAIS
Romero, A.; Galvín, P.; António, J.; Domínguez, J.; Tadeu, A. 2017 "Modelling of acoustic and elastic wave propagation from underground structures using a 2.5D BEM-FEM approach". Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 76, pp. 26-39. VER MAIS
Serra, C.; Simões, N.; Simões, I.; Tadeu, A. 2017 "Aplicação da técnica da termografia ativa em ETICS". Construção Magazine, n.º 80, pp. .
Serra, C.; Tadeu A.; Simões, N. 2017 "Boundary element method simulation of 3D heat diffusion in defective layered media for IRT building applications". Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 81, pp. 44-52. VER MAIS
Serra, C.; Tadeu, A.; Simões, N. 2017 "Heat transfer modelling using analytical solutions for infrared thermography applications in multilayered buildings systems.". International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 115 (Part B), pp. 471-478. VER MAIS
Škerget, L.; Tadeu, A.; Ravnik J. 2017 "BEM numerical simulation of coupled heat, air and moisture flow through a multilayered porous solid". Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 74, pp. 24-33. VER MAIS
Tadeu, A.; Romero, A.; Stanak, P.; Sladek, J.; Sladek, V.; Galvin, P.; Antonio, J. 2017 "Modeling elastic wave propagation in fluid-filled boreholes drilled in nonhomogeneous media: BEM – MLPG versus BEM-FEM coupling". Enginering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 81, pp. 1-11. VER MAIS
Wang, F.; Chen, W.; Tadeu, A.; Correia, C.G. 2017 "Singular boundary method for transient convection–diffusion problems with time-dependent fundamental solution". International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 114, pp. 1126–1134. VER MAIS
Cunha, S.; Aguiar, J.B.; Tadeu, A. 2016 "Thermal performance and cost analysis of mortars made with PCM and different binders". Construction and Building Materials, 122, pp. 637-648. VER MAIS
López, O.L.; Torres, I. 2016 "Ventilation system for drying out buildings after a flood: influence of the air change rate on the drying process". Drying Technology, 34 (11), pp. 1343-1353. VER MAIS
Matias, G.; Faria, P.; Torres, I. 2016 "Durabilidade de argamassas com residuos de cerâmica para reabilitação de rebocos". Construção Magazine, n.º 71, pp. 08-12.
Serra, C.; Tadeu, A.; Simões, N. 2016 "3D heat diffusion simulation using 3D and 1D heat sources - Temperature and phase contrast results for defect detection using IRT". Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40 (2), pp. 1576-1587. VER MAIS