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Gonçalves, M.; Simões, N.; Serra, C.; Flores-Colen, I. 2020 "A review of the challenges posed by the use of vacuum panels in external insulation finishing systems". Applied Energy, 257, pp. 114028. VER MAIS
Lopes, R.; Rodrigues, J. 2020 "Behaviour of restrained concrete filled square double-skin and double-tube hollow columns in case of fire". Engineering Structures, pp. . VER MAIS
Marques, B.; António, J.; Almeida, J.; Tadeu, A.; De Brito, J.; Dias, S.; Pedro, F.; Sena, J. D. 2020 "Vibro-acoustic behaviour of polymer-based composite materials produced with rice husk and recycled rubber granules". Construction and Building Materials , 264, pp. 120221. VER MAIS
Marques, B.; Tadeu, A.; Almeida, J.; António, J.; de Brito, J. 2020 "Characterisation of sustainable building walls made from rice straw bales". Journal of Building Engineering, 28, pp. 101041. VER MAIS
Marques, B.; Tadeu, A.; António, J.; Almeida, J.; de Brito, J. 2020 "Mechanical, thermal and acoustic behaviour of polymer-based composite materials produced with rice husk and expanded cork by-products". Construction and Building Materials, 239, pp. 117851. VER MAIS
Matias, G.; Torres, I.; Rei, F.; Gomes, F. 2020 "Analysis of the functional performance of different mortars with incorporated residues". Journal of Building Engineering, 29, pp. 101150. VER MAIS
Oliveira, M.A.; Bragança, L.; Silva, S.M.; Paixão, D.; António, J. 2020 "Noise reduction performance of a low energy façade-integrated mechanical ventilator". Building Acoustics, pp. . VER MAIS
Romero, A.; Galvín, P.; Tadeu, A. 2020 "An accurate treatment of non-homogeneous boundary conditions for development of the BEM". Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 116, pp. 93-101. VER MAIS
Saadatian, S.; Freire, F.; Simões, N. 2020 "Embodied impacts of window systems: a comparative assessment of framing and glazing alternatives". Journal of Building Engineering, 35, pp. 102042. VER MAIS
Santos, M.; Coelho, A.S.; Paula, A.B.; Marto, C..; Amaro, I.; Saraiva, J.; Ferreira, M.M.; Antunes, P.; Carrilho, E. 2020 "Mechanical and Tribological Characterization of a Dental Ceromer". Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 11 (11) , pp. . VER MAIS
Santos, R. A.; Flores-Colen, I.; Simões, N.; Silvestre, J.D. 2020 "Auto-responsive technologies for thermal renovation of opaque facades". Energy and Buildings, 217, pp. 109968. VER MAIS
Silva, R.; Brett, M.; Ferreira, A.D.; Serra, C.; Jesus, T.; Fino, M.; Tadeu, A.; Mendes, J.; Araújo, J.; Santos, R. 2020 "Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling and Experimental Validation of the Thermofluidic Performance of Climatic Chambers". Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 12 (2), pp. 021014 (12 pages). VER MAIS
Silveira, D.; Gonçalves, A.; Flores-Colen, I.; Veiga, R.; Torres, I.; Travincas, R. 2020 "Evaluation of in-service performance factors of renders based on in-situ testing techniques". Journal of Building Engineering, 34, pp. 101806. VER MAIS
Simões, N.; Almeida, R.; Tadeu, A.; Brett, M.; Almeida, J. 2020 "Comparison between cork-based and conventional green roof solutions". Building and Environment, 175, pp. 106812. VER MAIS
Škerget, L.; Tadeu, A.; António, J.M.P. 2020 "Numerical simulation of heat transport in multilayered composite pipe". Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements , 120, pp. 28-37. VER MAIS
Torres, I.; Flores-Colen, I.; Silveira, D.; Travincas, R.; Matias, G. 2020 "Interface argamassa-suporte: análise das características físicas com base em várias campanhas experimentais". Ambiente Construído, Porto Alegre, 20 (3), pp. 331-342. VER MAIS
Torres, I.; Matias, G.; Faria, P. 2020 "Natural hydraulic lime mortars - the effect of ceramic residues on physical and mechanical behaviour". Journal of Building Engineering, 32, pp. . VER MAIS
Zacchei, E.; Lyra, P. H.C.; Stucchi, F. R. 2020 "Pushover analysis for flexible and semi‐flexible pile‐supported wharf structures accounting the dynamic magnification factors due to torsional effects". Structural Concrete, 2020, pp. 1–20. VER MAIS
Zacchei, E.; Molina, J. L. 2020 "Reviewing Arch-Dams’ Building Risk Reduction Through a Sustainability – Safety Management Approach". Sustainability, 12 (1), pp. 392. VER MAIS