António, J.; Tadeu, A. 2017 "3D Boundary element method modelling of sound absorbing surfaces in buildings". International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Science - ICCES2017, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
Castro, I.; Neves, A.; António, J.; Tadeu A.; 2017 "Redução da emissão de ruído de câmara climática ". Simpósio de Acústica e Vibrações , Coimbra, Portugal.
Cortês, A.; Almeida J., Kanoun-Boulé, M.; Pimentel-Rodrigues, C.; Silva-Afonso, A.; Tadeu, A. 2017 "Conception and behaviour of green roofs and living facades made of healthy engineered expanded cork systems". World Green Infrastructure (WGIC 2017), Berlin, Germany.
Cortês, A.S.B.; Almeida, J.A.S.; Kanoun-Boulé, M.; Tadeu, A. 2017 "Green facades and living walls: the Portuguese experience". INCREaSE - International Congress on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI Century, Algarve, Portugal.
Ferreira, A.; Thiis, T. 2017 "Comparison between wind tunnel and computational predictions of the shear velocity distribution along a flat roof with solar panels". EACWE2017, Liège, Belgium.
Fino, R.; Simões, N.; Tadeu, A 2017 "Thermal behavior of a coating made by expanded cork for different climatic conditions". EFS 2017, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
Fino, R.; Simões, N.; Tadeu, A 2017 "Thermal dynamic behaviour of building solutions coated with medium density expanded cork board". Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering - CMN2017, Valencia, Spain.
Fino, R.; Simões, N.; Tadeu, A. 2017 "Thermal simulation of ventilated solar walls incorporating photovoltaics". Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering - CMN2017, Valencia, Spain.
Kanoun-Boulé, M.; Azevedo, A.; Santos, M.I.; Almeida, J.; Pimentel-Rodrigues, C.; Silva-Afonso, A.; Tadeu, A. 2017 "Hygienisation of human urine effluent collected through a new diverting sanitary system". International IWA conference on sustainable solutions for small water and wastewater treatment systems (S2small2017), Nantes, France.
Marques, B.; Almeida, J.; de Brito, J., Tadeu, A. 2017 "Impact of Density on Thermal Conductivity of an Insulation Layer Composed of Rice By-Products". INCREaSE - International Congress on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI Century, Faro, Algarve, Portugal.
Marques, B.; Tadeu, A.; Almeida, J; Rama, J. 2017 "Thermal performance of sustainable building wall solutions using rice by-products". Energy for Sustainabilty International Conference 2017 – Designing Cities & Communities for the Future., Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
Neves, A.; Castro, I.; António, J.; Tadeu, A.; 2017 "Câmara anecoica ITeCons para realização de ensaios acústicos". Simpósio de Acústica e Vibrações, Coimbra, Portugal.
Pimentel-Rodrigues, C.; Silva-Afonso, A.; Lima, M. 2017 "Rainwater harvesting systems in buildings with green roofs: a study in runoff coefficients". 43rd International Symposium of CIB W062 Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings 2017, Haarlem, The Netherlands.
Serra, C.; Simões, N.; Matos, S.; Miranda, N.; Pimentel-Rodrigues, C.; Silva-Afonso, A. 2017 "Shading System Integrating Green Roofs, Solar PV Trackers and Rainwater Harvesting". 3rd Energy for Sustainability International Conference, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
Silva-Afonso, A.; Azevedo, A.; Almeida, J.; Kanoun-Boulé, M.; Pimentel-Rodrigues, C.; Tadeu, A. 2017 "Urine diverting toilets in Europe: Nutrient recovery and use in buildings". WaterSmart Innovations, Las Vegas, USA.
Silva-Afonso, A.; Pimentel-Rodrigues, C.; Kanoun-Boulé, M.; Almeida, J. 2017 "Toilets: past, present and future". 43rd International Symposium of CIB W062 Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, Haarlem, Netherlands.
Simões, N.; Melo, L.; Serra, C. 2017 "Comparison between a dynamic simulation model of a solar air heater and experimental measurements". 12th Conference on Advanced Building Skins, Bern, Switzerland.
Simões, N.; Prata, J.; Tadeu, A. 2017 "Heat transfer through thermal bridges: comparison between BEM model and experimental results". International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Science -ICCES2017, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
Tadeu, A.; Prata, J.; Simões, N. 2017 "BEM model to study the 3D Heat Flow through a corner". BEM/MRM 40, New Forest, UK.
Almeida, R.; Tadeu, A.; Simões, N. 2016 "Water permeability of insulation cork board". 41st IAHS WORLD CONGRESS Sustainability and Innovation for the Future, Albufeira, Algarve, Portugal.